Live Painting Video

This week was eventful. 
Youtube told me I could apply to monetize my channel, only to tell me 2 days later, after I had put in all of the work to set things up, even staying up late to get it done, that I was being denied. They say I have "reused content" on my channel and that goes against monetization rules. I appealed, just to test the system, and was denied again. They said I can "clean up" my channel, and reapply in 90 days. Right off the bat, I have no intention to do so. 

Although, because of the hype, and because I do need income, I was excited at first, I HATE ads. If I had to watch videos with ads before, in the middle and within the content, I would never go to youtube. But my browser blocks all ads and my youtube experience is pretty sweet in that regard. So part of me felt hypocritical if I were to monetize. So when I wasn't allowed anyway, the disappointment lasted just a small chunk of time. I have learned in life to flow in a way that, if something is blocked, I see it as God sending me in a better direction. I will find ways to use YT views and engagement to benefit me outside youtube. I know it can be done and I am looking forward to being creative in that endeavor. 

If I were to be monetized by YT, I'd be anxious about the total dependency on its cash flow which is not that easy to get even after you get approved. The constant effort to keep eyes on content, to create engating content, to worry about a drop in income from month to month - this takes over people's lives and it makes them completely dependent upon that source of money, taking them the totality of their time. That's not something I want. I don't want to put myself in a corner that way. I've seen what people say and do and how they become a dancing monkey in this model. No, not me. 

I will continue to post what has worked for me. The stuff YT is against it's what finally gave me enough engagement to get the subscribers I wanted. And now it keeps growing and I am fast learning how to do this my way. 

It's outrageous that the totality of videos I have is imense if compared to content that's not mine. And they will block me based on that minimal amount of "reused" content. Well, well. As a natural rule breaker, I favor those who infiltrate a system and make it work for them. I think that's fire. 

Plus, I have been pretty good about managing my time. I am off social media which used to eat my time so much, and focused on this video making goal. But now that I won't have to be so engaged in "monetization", I will put time into writing. I have very often been told that I have a way with words. Even though I am so critical, I will listen to others rather than my inner critic. That is exactly the technique I used to start creating art and offering it for sale online, which kept me afloat for years! 
Once the economy gets better - and it's going to bc these phase are cyclical in nature, then people will start to buy non essencials again. Plus, on the art table, I am organizing to try some new things other than painting. Things I've wanted to do for years. 

Spring is here. My beautiful rose bush is going to bloom soon and the collards, cabbages, mustards, kales are amost blooming too. 

I got a thinkg on Amazon to see if works for me to cut the weeds. The dude that came to work in my yard last  year hasn't showed up yet. IDK if he decided he doesn't want to come back to work here after he got stung by wasps last year. He went near a nest and made noise. They went after him. That was the last time I saw him. The grass is way too tall already. Before it seeds itself...there I go try to keep up with this. It's a least favorite thing. I would rather pay someone. There is another company I will be calling. There are always people willing to work. 

I'm sure I've made typos here. Please overlook or make a comment. 

Before I go....

Pls subscribe to my YouTube Channel

(C) 2024 Cris Melo / Melo Earth
